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The Société Française de Physique, the CNRS and the CEA are jointly organizing the « Nuit de l'Antimatière », at the Grand Rex in Paris.

This festive evening aims to inform the general public and schoolchildren about all aspects of antimatter, which is both the object of much research and the source of many applications, including in everyday life. Several cities in France will be interconnected to allow the participation of the greatest number of people.



Neutrinos are very special elementary particles and have long fascinated physicists. They are ubiquitous on Earth and in the cosmos, even in our own bodies. At the crossroads of several disciplines, particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology, neutrinos could be the key to many mysteries. But almost elusive, what they hide is not yet completely known to researchers. This general public exhibition on neutrinos (16 poster panels) was designed in partnership with our colleagues at the CEA.



  • Model of Planck at the entrance of the Physics building,
  • Article on the P2IO LabEx in the parliamentary journal,
  • SCOPI seminars 2019 :

- « MYRRHA and its impact on fundamental science and medical applications », Lucia Popescu (SCK-CEN, Belgique), http://www.labex-p2io.fr/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/News/index.php?id_news=178

- « Cosmic inflation after Planck », Jérôme Martin (IAP, France), http://www.labex-p2io.fr/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/News/index.php?id_news=182

- « First explorations of Sgr A* at the event horizon scale and first tests of general relativity with GRAVITY », Guy Perrin (LESIA-Observatoire de Paris, France), http://www.labex-p2io.fr/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/News/index.php?id_news=184

- « SEIS/InSight on Mars: first 9 months of Mars seismic monitoring », Philippe Lognonné (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France), http://www.labex-p2io.fr/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Fait_marquant/index.php?id_news=187

- « Dernières nouvelles des trous noirs », Jean-Pierre Luminet (LAM, France), http://www.labex-p2io.fr/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/News/index.php?id_news=191

#167 - Last update : 16/04/2021


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