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Our missions


P2IO LabEx takes advantage of the unique concentration of world-class laboratories on the Paris-Saclay campus, covering a broad spectrum of disciplines including particle physics, astroparticle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, gas pedal science, nuclear energy, biology and medicine, instrumentation and associated interfaces, combining the experimental and the theoretical. With a concentration of about 2000 people, P2IO represents a large fraction of the national effort, about 25% in the physics of the origins of life, 40% in subatomic physics and 90% in gas pedal science.


Credits: 1-CERN, 2-Linac 4, Andrew Hara, 3-Pixabay

This LabEx  encourages the emergence of innovative projects as well as those at the interface between several research fields, thus contributing to UPSaclay's international visibility. Our actions aim to reinforce synergies between LabEx laboratories by issuing calls for post-docs, PhDs, R&D, and to a lesser degree, platforms.

We participate in the implementation of synergies between our different partners by taking into account the emergence of new scientific and technological challenges, in order to reinforce UPSaclay's position at the forefront of international research. In addition, our investment in education and training, our collaborations with other research fields and our links with industry are increasingly strengthened.

From a training and scientific dissemination perspective, our initiatives are an integral part of LabEx. The objectives of these actions are :

  • to raise the awareness of the widest possible public on scientific issues and challenges related to P2IO
  • encourage students to get involved in LabEx research and technological developments
  • improve existing training programs and encourage the development of new ones

Finally, most of the P2IO laboratories are involved in very large infrastructures, and present major contributions in major international projects in particle physics (LHC, future colliders; ...), nuclear physics (GANIL), and astrophysics (PLANCK, EUCLID, JWST, ...). As a result, they have strong links with the industry for a long time.


JWST et EUCLID; Crédit : ESA/C. Carreau

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#66 - Last update : 16/04/2021


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