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Scientific Themes
 Scientific Themes

NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the HUDF Team

The LabEx P2IO aims to support the exploration of the greatest scientific questions in the field of infinite physics and the conditions of the appearance of life:

-How to explain the mass that appears as an intrinsic property of matter?
-Why is there a predominance of particles over antiparticles in the Universe?
-What is dark matter and dark energy which seem to constitute 95% of the energy content of the Universe?
-How can gravitation be described in a quantum scheme? What is the structure and geometry of the Universe?
-According to which laws does matter organize itself in the ordinary conditions where quarks and gluons are confined in hadrons, and in the extreme conditions of the early Universe or in stars?
-How are stars and planets formed? Where are the conditions for the appearance of life met?

In order to best succeed in this mission, 4 scientific themes have been developed within the LabEx.

#96 - Last update : 11/27 2020

The crucial discovery of the Higgs boson at LHC has allowed to confirm and complete the framework of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. In the coming years, the experimental studies will focus on three key sectors, necessary to answer the many open questions still raised by the SM:

  • The high-energy frontier. ATLAS and CMS will continue the search for new particles as well as the more precise measurement of the Higgs couplings and of the electro-weak sector. After the high luminosity stage, a new phase is being studied with ambitious projects like HE-LHC (center of mass energy of 33 TeV) as well as new colliders (ILC, FCC).
  • The high luminosity frontier. This mission can be fulfilled with the search for possible deviations from the SM in the flavor sector (b and c quarks) by the experiments LHC-B and Belle-II.
  • Neutrino physics, which opens the road to the study of a new source of CP violation in the lepton sector (a crucial element to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetryin the Universe). The new phase of the T2K experiment is a first step in this direction. the new projects of long baseline experiments in construction (DUNE) or in preparation (Hyper-Kamiokande) will allow precision studies of the neutrino mixing matrix. Several experiments searching for neutrinoless double beta decay are in progress and the future experiments in this sector require important technological developments. A flagship project named BSM-Nu started at the beginning of 2020 to precisely characterize the nature of neutrinos and thus to shed light in the nature of the new physics beyond the SM. 

During the last decade this field has metamorphosed. Cosmological parameters have been measured with few per-mil precision, thanks to the clean sky-mapping of CMB by Planck, and Baryonic oscillations by BOSS. The next generation cosmology projects will exploit weak lensing (Euclid, LSST), and the quest for CMB polarization B-modes will go on both from ground and space.

Gravitational waves observed by LIGO and VIRGO opened a brilliant portal to the observation of violent phenomena such as black hole fusion, neutron star collision, nucleosynthesis of heavy baryons in kilonovae. Our laboratories will continue to take part in this field through participation into large projects such as LISA. The LabEx is a natural place to help coordinate observations of all products expected to be connected with Gravitational Wave emission, high and low energy photons, neutrinos, charged cosmic rays.

In particular, gamma- and cosmic-ray detection, in which some of our laboratories played a pioneering role, are crucial counterparts in multi-messenger observations. The CTA ground array has received explicit supports from our LabEx (through the Canevas Emblematic project). P2IO is also involved into Space projects for the next years (Fermi extended operations, SVOM,...).

Electron-proton or -ion colliders projects (LHeC at CERN and US EIC) aim to address many key questions ranging from nuclear to particle physics. This includes obtaining the complete 3D tomography of the internal content of hadrons, in terms of their quark and gluon degrees of freedom. The heavy-ion collective effects, occurring already at rather moderate energies, should allow finding quantitative evidence for saturation of the gluon density, as well as for detailed studies of how do quarks and gluons propagate in nuclear matter and join together to form hadrons. The P2IO teams are leaders in these projects, covering every aspect (theory, phenomenology, detector facilities, targets, accelerators), and have the potential for strengthening the already very strong relations existing between the different experimental and theoretical groups of P2IO.

Low-energy nuclear physics aims at explaining the complexity of nuclear properties, the origin of the chemical elements and the limits of nuclear stability. New experimental results from exotic nuclei combined with theoretical developments using effective field theories respecting the symmetries of QCD combined with modern many-body theories will advance the field rapidly in the next decade. With member laboratories at the forefront of all these topics and their federation with the project Terra incognita and the flagship Gluodynamics, P2IO will play a leading role in future European infrastructures for nuclear research.

The study of Comet Tchouri with the Rosetta probe is a spectacular example of the excellence of P2IO teams in the field of solar system explorations. The exploration will keep on being very active with the BepiColombo space mission for the exploration of Mercury, JUICE mission for the exploration of Jupiter and its satellites, Mars exploration program, Solar Orbiter mission to study solar activity and SoHO mission to study the sun's interior structure and its outer atmosphere.

We will keep on collecting and analyzing extraterrestrial sample collected on Earth and conducting laboratory experiments for a better understanding of the various physical processes at work. In parallel, numerical simulations using massively parallel computers will be developed at the best international level, such as magneto-hydrodynamic modeling of the Sun, modelling Sun-planet interactions. The solar system will be contextualized through the study of stellar systems that is developing strongly on multiple fronts: observational (Kepler/K2, TESS) and JWST Mission - 2021), instrumental development for space missions (Plato - 2026 and ARIEL - 2028), sophisticated data reduction, modeling of stars, exoplanets atmospheres and star-planet interactions.


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