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S3: Strongly coupled nuclear matter
S3: Strongly coupled nuclear matter

AGATA, credits: CEA/CNRS P. Stroppa

Electron-proton or -ion colliders projects (LHeC at CERN and US EIC) aim to address many key questions ranging from nuclear to particle physics. This includes obtaining the complete 3D tomography of the internal content of hadrons, in terms of their quark and gluon degrees of freedom. The heavy-ion collective effects, occurring already at rather moderate energies, should allow finding quantitative evidence for saturation of the gluon density, as well as for detailed studies of how do quarks and gluons propagate in nuclear matter and join together to form hadrons. The P2IO teams are leaders in these projects, covering every aspect (theory, phenomenology, detector facilities, targets, accelerators), and have the potential for strengthening the already very strong relations existing between the different experimental and theoretical groups of P2IO.

Low-energy nuclear physics aims at explaining the complexity of nuclear properties, the origin of the chemical elements and the limits of nuclear stability. New experimental results from exotic nuclei combined with theoretical developments using effective field theories respecting the symmetries of QCD combined with modern many-body theories will advance the field rapidly in the next decade. With member laboratories at the forefront of all these topics and their federation with the project Terra incognita and the flagship Gluodynamics, P2IO will play a leading role in future European infrastructures for nuclear research.

#78 - Last update : 04/16 2021



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