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S4: Formation of stellar and planetary systems, conditions emergence of life
S4: Formation of stellar and planetary systems, conditions emergence of life

Artist's concept of a young star surrounded by a dusty protoplanetary disk. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC/Caltech)

The study of Comet Tchouri with the Rosetta probe is a spectacular example of the excellence of P2IO teams in the field of solar system explorations. The exploration will keep on being very active with the BepiColombo space mission for the exploration of Mercury, JUICE mission for the exploration of Jupiter and its satellites, Mars exploration program, Solar Orbiter mission to study solar activity and SoHO mission to study the sun's interior structure and its outer atmosphere.

We will keep on collecting and analyzing extraterrestrial sample collected on Earth and conducting laboratory experiments for a better understanding of the various physical processes at work. In parallel, numerical simulations using massively parallel computers will be developed at the best international level, such as magneto-hydrodynamic modeling of the Sun, modelling Sun-planet interactions. The solar system will be contextualized through the study of stellar systems that is developing strongly on multiple fronts: observational (Kepler/K2, TESS) and JWST Mission - 2021), instrumental development for space missions (Plato - 2026 and ARIEL - 2028), sophisticated data reduction, modeling of stars, exoplanets atmospheres and star-planet interactions.

#79 - Last update : 04/16 2021



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