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Educational support

© plainpicture/André Schuster


  • Purchase of oscilloscopes for the Master 2 "Nuclei, Particles, Astroparticles and Cosmology" (NPAC) courses



  • Support to the experimental nuclear physics TP platform

In order to offer the same high quality experimental teaching to all students, whatever the training followed, 3 additional experimental montages of "Gamma-gamma coincidence and angular correlation", which is an important initiation for some Masters, will be created. We are also careful to use in these labs material as modern as the one the students will use in internship or thesis. This TP platform is also used for ENS projects and for trainees. It can also be very useful for research immersion internships for the 2nd year of the Double Degree in Math-Physics.


2016 :

  • Support for M2 « Outils et systèmes de l'astronomie et de l'espace »
  • Support for M2 Astronomie et Astrophysique (AA)

The MOOC « Voyage de l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit » is composed of four courses of ten modules each, presenting four thematic axes: the infinitely small, the infinitely large, the link between the 2 infinities and the applications and links with society.



  • Call « Fun lab work » :
    • CMB measurement a la Penzias & Wilson. M2 NPAC, Astro, M1 Physique fondamentale
    • IR Imaging. M1 Physique appliquée and M2 OSAE
    • Nuclear & particles. M2 NPAC, M1 Physique fondamentale et appliquée
  • Implementation of a new IR imaging TP

This MOOC is aimed at PhD students, master and bachelor students and all those curious about fundamental physics and its applications. This MOOC wishes to bring elements of answer to the following questions: What are the elementeray constituents of our universe? How are they organized to form matter? How was the universe formed? How did it evolve since the Big Bang, about 14 billion years ago?

Nearly 70 researchers from the University of Paris-Saclay will present you the recent discoveries and the many scientific and technological challenges they face.



  • Support for Master 2's TP plateforms
    • Cryogénie matériaux
    • PHIL
    • CORTO
    • BETSI



  • TPs Jouvence Program
#153 - Last update : 10/06/2022


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