High-Energy Physics pole (PHE)
High-Energy Physics pole (PHE)

In this reconstruction of a proton collision in the CMS experiment, two muons (trajectories in red) could come from the rare decay of a Bs meson. Credits: CMS

The High-Energy Physics (PHE) pole studies the quarks (for example building blocks of protons and neutrons) and leptons (as electron and neutrino), elementary constituents of matter. The LHC experiments at CERN allows the PHE pole to conduct several experiments:

  • ALICE: strong interaction in the perturbative and non-perturbative domains
  • ATLAS: properties of the Higgs boson, signals showing the existence of New Physics
  • LHCb: experimental signals of physics beyond the Standard Model through accurate measurements among hadrons featuring a b or c quark

The PHE pole also have collaborations outside CERN with:

  • the Belle 2 experiment at KEK, in Japan (observation of hadrons decays containing a b or c quark as well as the tau lepton)
  • the ILC collaboration (Higgs sector)
  • the JEFFERSON LAB, United-States (structure in nucleons)
  • the HADES experiment at GSI, Germany (effect of nuclear medium on the properties of hadrons)

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#163 - Màj : 29/04/2021


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