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Results of "Projects" Calls for Tenders

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The selection of the projects was made in two stages: first, the Scientific and Technical Evaluation Committee (CEST) made a pre-selection which was then presented to the CODIR members for final selection.

The selected projects are as follows:

Tableau résultats PEmer_2021.png

We would like to thank all participants for their projects and warmly congratulate the proponants of the selected projects!

The two projects that will be funded over a period of 5 years are:

Gluodynamics with the entire budget requested i.e. 1010 k€:

This project focuses on the understanding of strong nuclear interaction at low energy, exploring major and as yet unresolved questions of quantum chromodynamics. It proposes an innovative approach by connecting different aspects of QCD and by bringing together within the same project the necessary theoretical, phenomenological and experimental developments. The project fits perfectly in the upcoming schedule of future LHC data from which it will benefit, as well as in the perspective of the EIC in the USA. Read more...

Partner Laboratories: CPhT, IPhT, IPN Orsay, Irfu, LAL, LLR, LPT Orsay

   • BSM-Nu up to 990 k€:

Neutrino physics is a promising path to physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). This project proposes a coherent research program to study the mass hierarchy of neutrinos, the nature of neutrinos and possible CP violations based on neutrino oscillation experiments, coherent neutrino scattering and the search for neutrinoless double decay-β. It will integrate the results of the main neutrino experiments, for example, T2HK, DUNE, JUNO, Ricochet, NuCLEUS and CUPID. The establishment of a close link between experiment and phenomenology is appreciated, especially the research effort in BSM physics through the study of the PMNS matrix and the establishment of a tool to constrain it. Technical developments relevant to some of the planned experiments are also included (e.g. bolometers and micromegas detectors). To know more about it...

Partner Laboratories: CSNSM, IPhT, Irfu, LAL, LLR

Two projects have been selected by CODIR but only one project has been validated by the "Comité des Tutelles Restreint" (COTUR) for about 193 k€.
The selected project is DataNG: distributed data storage (LAL).
- Evolution of matter from interstellar medium to exoplanets with the JWST by A. Abergel et al.

- Platform for Research and Applications with Electrons by S. Barsuk et al.

- Charting Terra Incognita of Exotic Nuclei by F. Franchoo et al.

- CAmera NEctarcam VAlidation at Patis-Saclay by J.F. Glicenstein

- High Granularity Calorimeters for Future Colliders by Y. Sirois et al.

- QEAGE: Quantum Effects in Analogue Gravity Experiments (P2IO-LPT/PALM/NanoSaclay)

- NdS-NbSi: New superconducting devices with NbSi (P2IO-CSNSM/PALM)

- PulseSynth: Coherent combination and femto-second pulse synthesis (P2IO-LAL/PALM)

The results are as follows:

- G. Martinet (IPN) Superconducting Thin Films
- D. Lunney (CSNSM) Anti-proton decelerator
- P. Bambade (LAL) ATF2 halo detection
• Sensors
- D. Yvon (IRFU)  New generation PET scanners
- E. Delagnes (IRFU) electronic 1 ps
- V. Tatischeff (CSNSM)  New generation Compton telescopes
- S. Marnieros (CSNSM) New generation bolometers
- D. Bernard (IN2P3) Gamma-ray polarimetry
- D. Chamont (LLR) Grid computing with GPUs processors
#204 - Last update : 24/02/2021


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