Do not hesitate to click on the conference titles for more information.
Neutrinos play an exceptional role both in particle and nuclear physics and in astrophysics. The aim of the conference is to cover the main stages of their history since Pauli's brilliant and inspired idea in December 1930. Although trying to cover all facets of this fascinating particle, it should be considered as a contribution to the History of the Neutrino, since some chapters have yet to be written. The objective is, on each subject, to have a historian/historical approach and to follow as closely as possible the original articles in correlation with the scientific and historical context.
The main objective of this workshop is to discuss in an interactive and non-formal format the production of two-pions and e+e- in pp and pi p reactions related to the interpretation of the HADES data and the preparation of the new GSI and FAIR experiments. These different topics are discussed: baryonic spectroscopy, Rho contribution, electromagnetic shape factors, mechanisms of nucleon-nucleon reactions, dibaryon research, study of the impacts of the environment.
It is now a few years since the WaveCatcher modules and more recently the SAMPIC modules based on analog memories have been released. Each one offers very fast signal sampling with very high time accuracy and is mainly used by research laboratories, but also by private companies. These acquisition systems are used on test benches or experiments in many fields: beam monitoring, accelerators, R&D on detectors, study of new fast photodetectors (SiPMs, MCP-PMTs), new generation of detectors (LGAD, pico-second Micromegas, diamonds) for high energy physics, TOF-PET for medical imaging...
The aim of this workshop is to share the experience of users and system designers, to present feedback, to describe future needs and to think about sharing developments.
As in previous editions, the conference aims to highlight the international collaboration between physicists of nuclear structures from France, Europe and other laboratories around the world. SSNET 2018 allows fruitful discussions on recent experimental and theoretical aspects of nuclear structure physics related to the manifestation and description of the many geometrical shapes and symmetries of the nucleus as well as other symmetries and symmetry breaks.
LIGO-Virgo's recent discoveries have opened up new avenues of research ranging from the physics of compact objects to cosmology and fundamental physics. From an experimental point of view, the network of gravitational wave detectors is evolving, the world community is getting organized to define the design of 3rd generation ground-based detectors (Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer, Voyager...). In addition, other complementary approaches must be considered to detect gravitational waves: radio astronomy using pulsar timing, matter waves with the MIGA experiment... The goal of this day is to share and bring out local scientific interests for future projects.